Saturday, August 31, 2019
Police Corruption Problems
Corruption has been in the dark closets of American policing since it was first established in the country. When policing was first instituted conditions were not the best, pay was low, and respect was hard to find. These problems coupled with the problem of a lack of laws in which bound the police to accomplish a specific task a specific way, meant they had enough discretion to hang themselves by. There shouldn†t be any surprise that corruption hasn†t vanished and will most likely never totally go away. It is just like the saying â€Å"Absolute power, corrupts absolutely†. It is just human nature to want a better life and get the things you always wanted. Some people, and police are just people, just can†t resist the temptation for â€Å"easy money†. People have a way of rationalizing situations in their heads, by thinking they are just taking care of their families and paying there bills. This is similar to the job I presently have, working in the Asset protection department for Sears. I see things I would like to have all day long, I know I could take them and no one would ever know, but I don†t. I don†t do it because there is a fear of getting caught or any kind of punishment like that, I don†t do it because of ethics and morals. I, like the majority of people see the opportunity, while a very small percentage of people take advantage of it. It is the same with policing most police are honest and hard working but, there are always some â€Å"bad apples†in the bunch. If you knew a way to tell if someone was going to be honest in everything they do, 100% of the time, I think you would at the very least be a billionaire. Corruption has to be defined in order to look at it closer. The dictionary definition of corruption is: 1. Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved. 2. Venal; dishonest: a corrupt mayor. 3 Containing errors or alterations, as a text: a corrupt translation. 4. Archaic. Tainted; putrid. Would consider a police officer who accepted a free cup of coffee corrupt?. What about an officer accepting money in exchange for not patrolling his/her sector. What would you think of a business person taking that same cup of coffee, would you believe him/her to be corrupt? I think you have to draw a line on what is corrupt and what you believe isn†t. I think you have to add into your decision making steps the â€Å"offenders†jobs, position, and role in the community. The conclusion I came to is that it definitely does make a difference on the job, position, and role in the community. I believe if the business person had nothing to do with the place in which he/she received the coffee, he/she is not corrupt. He/she just had an act of kindness betrothed on them. Regarding the police officer, he/she should not of accepted the coffee because he/she has a duty to stay impartial to the community. If he/she had to go to a fight later that same day between the person that gave him the coffee and another person, and the person who gave him the coffee was found to be in the right and the other person was in the wrong, what would happen? Most likely the person who was arrested (assuming this person had knowledge that he accepted the coffee) would most likely bring that fact up at the trial. If this situation happened the officer†s integrity would be in question, and the jury/judge would have to wonder about it. Of course accepting coffee is not the main focus of police corruption, its not against the law, nor will it have a overwhelming impact on policing. I do believe the illustration puts into simplistic terms the larger problems which are occurring with policing in large. It all comes down to â€Å"Do I take it or don†t I take it? †and it is enough? Corruption is like a drug in a way, you start small and just work your way up the ladder, until you fall off. I said before that accepting a cup of coffee isn†t against the law and doesn†t make up the corruption which we face today. I am going to describe some recent corruption cases which have been fought. As identified in a report by the Knapp Commission published over two decades ago it was found there are two different violators. The first are called â€Å"Meat eaters†who abundantly misuse their power for personal gain. These individuals go out and seek ways to get money and have the advantage. The second type is called the â€Å"Grass eaters†these people are the ones who just accept payoffs and such when the happenstance come their way. For the most part, when you hear of a corruption case you most likely hear about the â€Å"Meat eaters†, because they are the ones which get bolder faster with every successful gain. So what do we do about it? I said before if punishment isn†t going to stop police from becoming corrupt, what will? The first step to solving this â€Å"disease†, which is slowly eating away at public trust, is to acknowledge the problem. Managers on a whole use three different approaches when failing to deal with corruption. First, it is simply ignore the problem like it was never there. This approach is bad for many reasons. If the police can†t police themselves, someone will have to come in and do it for them. Public trust will never be gained. The second approach is a â€Å"pollyanna†mentality. This is where the manager discovers and finds the corruption, but downplays its total impact. This approach as with the first approach, will cause someone outside the agency to solve the problem. The third is the most lethal approach for the manager to take, one of a â€Å"cover-up†. Like the second, the manager discovers the corruption, but takes overt action to cover it up. Not only did the manager â€Å"condone†this behavior, but this will only lead to more corruption and abuse. This now enlarged corruption, will eventually lead to great public mistrust. A manager can overcome the problems with these approaches by assuming a realistic posture to this issue. This will allow the effects of the corruption to be less damaging to the agency. The next step to prevent corruption is to develop a plan of action. While no one plan will be foolproof it should include these three elements, recruitment, training, and investigation. As I previously stated, you have to come up with a definition of corruption to be used for your plans. I suggest everything from accepting a cup of coffee to the further most end of the spectrum be included. Using this definition stops people and managers from trying to decide what is across the line and what isn†t. If you try to â€Å"draw a line†this can create confusion and many people could rationalize situations as being OK. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) defines corruption as acts involving the misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed to produce either personal gain or gain for others. With a definition like this everyone from the patrol officer to the Chief knows where they stand. The IACP created the Model for Management Corruption Prevention, in reaction to the corruption running rapid in the departments. This model covers the three basic elements which I mentioned previously recruitment, training, and investigation. Recruitment is the first step in this process. It goes without saying that no agency hires people who they know are corrupt. There are a multitude of reasons why agencies should â€Å"Weed out†bad recruits. Money is at the top of the list. All the training in which the recruit has to go through cost the taxpayers a lot of money. Many agencies have policies in which they hire only trained personnel so this cost can be eliminated. Selecting candidates which have already been on the job, shows supervisors a track record and therefor gives them more information. The use of the polygraph is a useful tool when â€Å"weeding out†candidates.. Training provides outstanding opportunity to make a anti-corruption plan work. It does this for a couple reasons. First training gets the message out with concern to standards. Second, this training allows the recruit to ask questions and to clarify his doubts about what is appropriate and what isn†t. Training is divided into two parts, recruit and in-service. The in-service training is a valuable tools because the recruit interacts with a seasoned officer and allows that recruit to ask questions about everyday events. The department must also watch the candidate for a probationary period of about six months. This programs is called the Field Training Officer (FTO) period. During this period of FTO the new recruit rides with a seasoned officer. Most agencies can release the recruit during this period for little or no cause. The department may also elect to send their recruits to a formal academic setting for training. This in turn will hopefully help the recruit in making the right decision when the question arises â€Å"Will I take it or won†t I? â€Å". The last stage of this three point training is investigation. This is the crucial elements to this whole program, without it everything else loses its ability to function. If the public knows the department will thoroughly investigate all reports of corruption, it will instill a confidence with the department. The investigation phase will most likely be conducted by the departments internal affairs unit. The IACP developed a model for departments to utilize. The first issue to be addressed is staffing. In small departments this could consist of only one person on a part time basis. In larger departments this unit could consist on many officers on a full time basis. If you are really concerned with the corruption within your department, you should consider having an outside agency investigate alleged corruption. This will ensure favoritism will not occur. Once you have decided with type of staffing is appropriate for your department, you should decide where in the department to place them. The best location for the unit to be is directly under the Chief. This will provide for a direct line of communication of the problems at hand. The Chief should provide a clear and definitive procedure for investigating alleged allegations of corruption. Theses procedures may include: 1. Handling all complaints quickly and impartially. 2. Explanation that the unit only handles facts, and doesn†t determine guilt of innocents. 3. Meticulous and accurate documentation is a must. 4. Responding to a crime scene immediately where an officer had to shoot a subject. In summary, police are human and have the same compulsions which others posses. This of course doesn†t excuse the corruption in the departments. When you think of corruption in the police field, remember that acts which are corrupt for one may not be corrupt for all. Every instance needs to be looked in to with great concern and objectiveness. If we don†t investigate every allegation we will loose the public trust and this will make it impossible to do the job effectively.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Examples of Fallacies
Examples of Fallacies (1 Appeal to Authority: An example of appealing to authority can be found in many television commercials. This fallacy is used on television by many companies trying to sell, or gain profit, by using athletes, or well-known figures to advertise their product for them. They do this in order to persuade consumers to buy their goods, due to their idols using them; even though, many of the famous people aren't qualified to give expert opinions about the product.A commercial that uses this type of fallacy is Bacardi, who advertises tennis player Novak Djokovic saying, â€Å"Champions Drink Responsibly. (2. ) Appeal to Pity: An example of appealing to pity can be found in many classrooms. This is when a fallacious excuse is given to make sense of an argument, or come to a conclusion, by making us feel sorry enough to make a decision of the pity. A student might use this fallacy if they forgot to do turn in an assignment by saying, â€Å"Sorry, I Just couldn't do the homework this weekend, my dog ate the work sheet you handed out. This might get the pity of some teachers, while others will recognize the fallacy, along with making the right decision accordingly, considering that the reason could be true. (3. Appeal to Fear: Appealing to fear is when an authority, usually higher, tries to prevail by coming to conclusions with fear. By doing this they usually disregard which situation is right and Justified. An example of this fallacy can occur in a sport, such as baseball.Parents could be screaming at their children that their pitching, or batting form isn't right, and if they don't change it they will not be any good. However, they completely disregard that everyone is unique, and does things differently. Appeal to Ignorance: In this appeal someone is actually asking their opponent to prove them wrong, so f they can't they automatically are wrong. However, it is the Job of the person actually purposing the argument to disprove the statement.An e xample of this fallacy is the Loch ness monster. Many people argue that they have seen it, while other say it is absurd that such a thing exists without everyone knowing. There is no way of telling if the monster is actually real or not, because Just saying it does not exist, isn't a solid enough reason for believing that it does. Examples of Fallacies: Appeal to Authority, Pity, Fear, and Ignorance By fballislifenunuOO
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Psychiatric Nursing care analysis Research Paper
Psychiatric Nursing care analysis - Research Paper Example At the end, a discussion of nursing management techniques for patients experiencing symptoms of depression will be examined. Current Theories in the Etiology, Presentation, and Prognosis of Depression The causes of depression are complex, but are generally understood to be a combination of environmental and genetic factors, such as a traumatic life event combined with a genetic susceptibility to hormone disruption in seratonin levels, though such a connection has not been conclusively proven (Abela & Hankin, 2008; Risch et al., 2009). There is, however, a definitive correlation between â€Å"stressful†or otherwise disruptive events and the beginnings of depressive symptoms (Risch, et al., 2009). Depression is often co-morbid to an anxiety disorder or attention deficit disorder (Luby, Belden, Pautsch, Si, & Spitznagel, 2009;Goldberg, et al., 2010). When presenting independently, these disorders are also generally risk factors for depression. Depression is also often seen as a precursor to the development of senility or dementia in older adults (Brommelhoff et al., 2009). Additionally, as well as being a symptom, insomnia in older adults is considered a risk factor for depression, though this is still controversial (Fiske, et al., 2009). Depression has two core symptoms used in diagnosis which must be experienced for at least a two week period: feelings of sadness or misery without a specific reason for such feelings, and a loss of interest in previous-enjoyed activities (Goldberg, Kendler, & Sirovatka, 2010). In older adults such as the client in this report, insomnia is a widely noted symptom, which is a converse to the hypersomnia usually noted in younger adults with depression (Nutt, Wilson, & Paterson, 2008). Other symptoms include difficulty concentrating and impaired decision-making, change in appetite or eating habits, feelings of worthlessness, and thoughts of suicide (Keenan et al., 2008). Older adults, however, are less likely to display emotio nal symptoms, and instead present with cognitive decline, motor skills impairment, and a wider range of somatic symptoms (Fiske, Wetherell, & Gatz, 2009). The prognosis of major depressive disorder is highly variable against the length of time the initial depressive episode was present. More minor presentations of the disorder behave similarly to major depressive disorder, but the patients are likely to worsen before they improve. In one study, patients with a previous history of depressive episodes lasting longer than one year were more likely to suffer from a relapse episode that would last longer than six months. This was true even if the initial episode experienced was only minor or sub-threshold depression (Gilchrist & Gunn, 2007). Sub-threshold symptoms in older adults will generally persist for at least a year and makes the person seven times more likely to develop major depression in that time frame than those who do not exhibit such symptoms (Lyness, Chapman, McGriff, Draye r, & Duberstein, 2009). Relationship of Theories to Client Behavior Given that the client has recently undergone major surgery, she is at a higher risk for depression than most of the population. Any surgery could be considered a major life event, but an open colon resection especially would be a very stressful and possibly traumatic experience for the patient, resulting in major physical changes to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Racial Prejudice in the film Devil in a Blue Dress compared to Term Paper
Racial Prejudice in the film Devil in a Blue Dress compared to prejudice in today's society - Term Paper Example The relations of blacks and whites, the inequality prevailed in the society is presented in the movie. Corruption over Blacks, segregation, the Black image of the American Dream and the alienation suffered by blacks are portrayed in the movie. The story of the missing white woman who was last found at a black-only club presents the dark faces of race and racism. The movie presents the race-oriented life of the 1940s; racism and segregation were the accepted way of life during that period. In the movie we find that the skin color is not just a background issue, it is rather the core theme of the lives of the people of those times. Race was the first thing people notices. Racial discriminations could destroy marriages, break careers and end lives. The movie brings before the viewers the black life in Los Angeles. The disadvantaged life of the blacks is watched from the perspective of the 1940s and 1960s. This picture can be very much paralleled to the lives of the blacks in the 1990s. The movie is relevant even in the present world. Segregation is not uncommon in the United States in the modern world also. Prejudice and stereotyping is common in almost all societies. Multicultural societies are under the curse of prejudice and discrimination. Considering the United States as an example we can find that prejudice is the most crucial feature of the society. It is nothing but prejudice that has caused discrimination, oppression and tensions among various racial and ethnic classes in the United States. Prejudice results in racial profiling, alienation, housing segregation, dangerous ethnic jokes and various other problems. Prejudice demolishes all types of fellowships. No relationship would abide in the presence of prejudice. Prejudice reflects segregation, and it has completely blocked the progress of the nation. This strange racial prejudice has resulted into an isolated, ill developed and racially segregated society that has encouraged racial mistrust, senseless c onflicts and other discriminations that prevents the society from obtaining true racial equality. Prejudice hinders cooperation and mutual respect and destroys relationships. Prejudice dissolves the good relationship between people of different race, ethnicity and nationality. Racial prejudice and segregation has resulted in systemic inequalities that stand as a barrier to the development (of the whole society) and personal improvement of individuals. Prejudice has contributed for the widening of the socio-economic gap between superior group (whites) and the minorities (blacks). The racism found in the movie Devil in a Blue Dress is prevalent in the modern society of the United States. There are various practices that humiliate and trouble the negatively privileged blacks and women in America, for example racial profiling. Thousands of complaints from the victims of various ethnic groups have proved that racial profiling is a real happening. Victims of racial profiling are not on ly common people but also famous and rich people, celebrities, sports stars and people from all walks of life. There were cases when respected members of the society, like judges, lawyers, state legislators, and even representatives claimed that they were victims of racial profiling. This discriminatory stopping and checking by the police is disturbing thousands of pedestrians, innocent drivers, and shoppers and other helpless people across the nation. ‘War on Drugs’ as well as ‘War on Terror’
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Marketing management - Essay Example According to a survey carried out by IBIS world, the profit margins of the industry will reduce by 1.5% over the next 5 years due to mounting competition among the providers. However, this has also led to the falling price of the phones. The company projects that UK mobile phone industry is expected to reach $3 Billion by the end of 2014. Furthermore, the development of new technologies such as, 4G services, the development of smart phones and the new applications, is also driving the industry (Adler, 2010). The UK mobile phone industry is characterised by high rates of market concentration and competition. Some of the key players of the industry are Vodafone, T-mobile, Virgin and O2 among others (Cohen, 2004). The industry will be analysed with the help of Porter’s five forces analysis and on the basis of that, a SWOT report will be prepared. The industry analysis is presented below: - Factor Analysis Resultant Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers refers to the ability of the buyers to bargain and reduce the price. Reports have shown that the industry is growing at a robust rate and one of the reasons for this colossal growth is the enthusiasm among the buyers. However, due to the presence of a number of providers in the market, the buyers have the tendency to explore the other. This reduces the brand loyalty rate among the consumers. High Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers refers to the ability of the suppliers to bargain and increase the manufacturing cost of the firm (Ferrell, 2006). The suppliers of raw materials for the mobile phone industry in UK is adequate in number and in most of the cases, these companies enter into a treaty with the suppliers which reduces their power to a great extent. Some of the key suppliers are Huawei and ZTE. Moderate Threat of New Entrant The threat of new entrant refers to the threat of a new player entering the industry, thereby increasing the level of competition. To start a telecom business in UK, one needs to go through a series of legal acts and moreover, acquiring spectrum rights is an apprehensive issue. Setting up of a telecom business also requires huge start up cost which often acts as a hindrance. Low Threat of Substitute The threat of substitutes refers to the extent to which substitute products can increase the competition within the industry and act as a potential threat to the firm. The substitutes of a mobile phone are tablets, land phones, palmtops and also, mini laptops to a certain extent, as it serves the core function of facilitating communication. These products are available throughout the country and in almost every outlet. However, due to the portable nature, mobile phone has its own set of customers. Moderate Threat of Competitors The threat of competitors is the level of competition within the industry. In the context of the mobile phone industry of UK, the industry is fiercely competitive due to the presence of a numbe r of players. Some of the established players of this industry are Vodafone, T-mobile, Virgin and O2, among others. High On the basis of the outcome of the industry analysis, following is the set of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Blackberry in UK market. The same is illustrated below in SWOT analysis framework. Furthermore, the subsequent section will also prioritise the opportunities by considering certain
Monday, August 26, 2019
Management Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Theories - Essay Example The concept can be analyzed from four different points of view. Motivating employees to become creative in daily work environment and helping them to provide new ideas to organization. Organizations try to create an amicable environment of knowledge sharing, equal power sharing among employees. Top manage tries to create a flexible work force by empowering employees. This concept is derived from organizational psychology theory. Senior executives try to implement self actualization concept among employees by empowering them. They try to create a skill society among employees (Doughty, n.d). Real Life Example Motivation level among employees can be increased by implementing employee empowerment concept. Empowerment can be done by increasing participation of employees in the decision making. Organization control does not follow top down approach in a learning organization. Employees have the right to take decisions and communicate the decision to top management. Example of employee emp owerment is given below. W.L Gore & Associates is a product development company. Workers of the company are always termed as associates rather calling them mere employees. The company follows ‘Lattice Management Structure’ to develop the concept of employee empowerment. ... The company is named as best organization to work for in UK for consecutive eight years (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2011, p. 295). Conceptual Framework Employee empowerment model in W.L Gore & Associates is heavily influenced by the concept of self actualization. The company has created skill society among employees and employees perform with greater efficiency to become member of the society. Alternate Model I will use the concept of lattice management system little differently for W.L Gore & Associates. I will integrate the concept of organizational psychology with self actualization concept. I will create flexible multifunctional departments in the organization. Team size for the multifunctional departments will be five. Giving importance on employee group empowering will be the key aspect of adopted model. Multifunctional department has the right to share knowledge and ideas with each other. There are four hundred associates work for the company. I will design the empowerment model for eighty groups and implementation process will be less time taking than designing empowerment model for four hundred associates. Penetration Pricing Centrality of the concept of penetration pricing depends on sales objective of the company. The pricing strategy can be described as offering new product to customers at lower price with an objective to increase sales volume. There are two strategically aligned benefits associated with penetration pricing. The pricing strategy might discourage other competitors to enter into market. Many competitors may fail to adopt penetration price due to lack of financial resources and hence will be forced to sell product at high price to cover break even. Penetration pricing helps company to attract price sensitive customers and switchers.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Safety and Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Safety and Risk Management - Essay Example It employs over 10 000 people worldwide with a number of modern development and manufacturing facilities. All these facilities, along with the extensive network of trading and marketing units have enabled the Company to effectively penetrate the world’s pharmaceutical market, as well as to offer one of the broadest product portfolios, including over 1200 products either in the market, or under development stage and pending registration (Actavis Group, 2008). The Company’s branch, which is object of the audit, is comprised of two manufacturing facilities at the cutting edge of pharmaceutical production, storages and administrative offices. For several years, the Company has been conducting Corporate EHS audits similar to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, and recently acquired an OHSAS 18001 certificate. OHSAS 18001 Overview and Company’s Assessment OHSAS 18001 is an international occupational health and safety specification intended to help with the control over occupational hazards and risks, and covers all organisation’s employee – both full- and part-time, subcontractors and suppliers, visitors, organisation’s own facilities and equipment, as well as rented or borrowed facilities and equipment (Eighty 20 Consulting, n.d.). ... The degree of compliance with OHSAS 18001 requirements, in this particular case, is being assessed using a scale of 0 to 1, namely 0, 0.5, and 1 as a top grade (SGS Bulgaria ltd, 2007). After assessments of seven issues referring to OHSAS 18001’s Clause 4.2, which deals with the policy compliance, the following findings are available (DNV Certification Inc., 2008): The Company’s branch policy is in line with the corporate policy, which is placed on the intranet and communicated to all managers. The commitment to continual improvement is contained in Company’s EHS Policy. The commitment required to comply at least with current applicable Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legislation is being stated that it will be in accordance with the local regulations. The Company’s policy is documented and implemented but not document-controlled. It has been stated within an uncontrolled document, as well as in part on intranet and posted in canteen. EHS brief is bein g conducted. The policy is available to all interested parties via HR&PR Manager. There is no document control found in regard to the requirement for periodic review of the policy (BSI Management Systems, n.d.). The overall score attained according to the abovementioned scale of assessment is 4 out of the maximum possible 7, which is 57.1 % compliance. Several recommendations appear useful in order to be reached a higher level of compliance: the policy must be a controlled document and an agreement should be made on whether the corporate or site policy is to be used or issued; the policy should be clarified within the corporate and site policy structure and all employees should be provided with a copy of that policy, whether at recruitment or amendment stage. The
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Domestic surveillance or spying on Americans by government Essay
Domestic surveillance or spying on Americans by government - Essay Example He further explained that the law sometimes fails to guarantee security to the population. This is evident sometimes when cops arrest and charge wrong persons or obtain authority to conduct searches in places. From this case, Mr.Yoo gave the concept of the error rate; he argued that it should be lowered as much as possible when conducting surveillance (Yoo). Question 2 The surveillance conducted on citizens has shown that privacy in this century is not taken seriously. Private information, which is meant to be secret, has been brought to public. This has been made easy with the ever-increasing technology and innovation of sophisticated components that the government and private firms can use for spying. The disclosure and use of private information has made governments come up with ways and policies of guarding information from being exploited and getting into the wrong hands. According to West (1), Edward Snowden leaked information to the public regarding NSA surveillance of its cit izens. The information provided by Snowden shows that the government was monitoring phone calls inclusive of locations and destinations of the calls. Additionally, surveillance was conducted 5 years without the knowledge of the citizens. The government took a stand to explain to its citizen that surveillances conducted were meant for security reasons. Evidence also arises from what Snowden’s information to the public that the government was using utilities like boundless informant. The tool is said to be used by the NSA for tracking down the sources of information collected. A number of hacking attempts by the US government as claimed by Snowden was conducted in Chinese institutions such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong.... The surveillance conducted on citizens has shown that privacy in this century is not taken seriously. Private information, which is meant to be secret, has been brought to public. This has been made easy with the ever-increasing technology and innovation of sophisticated components that the government and private firms can use for spying. The disclosure and use of private information has made governments come up with ways and policies of guarding information from being exploited and getting into the wrong hands. According to West (1), Edward Snowden leaked information to the public regarding NSA surveillance of its citizens. The information provided by Snowden shows that the government was monitoring phone calls inclusive of locations and destinations of the calls. Additionally, surveillance was conducted 5 years without the knowledge of the citizens. The government took a stand to explain to its citizen that surveillances conducted were meant for security reasons. Evidence also arises from what Snowden’s information to the public that the government was using utilities like boundless informant. The tool is said to be used by the NSA for tracking down the sources of information collected. A number of hacking attempts by the US government as claimed by Snowden was conducted in Chinese institutions such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Chinese government confronted the U.S. government demanding to know the hacking missions conducted on their institutions.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Wittgenstein picture theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Wittgenstein picture theory - Essay Example What is the difference between a picture and a proposition? How according, to Wittgenstein, are pictures and propositions alike? How are they different? Introduction Ludwig Wittgenstein, a renowned Philosopher, has contributed greatly on the field of meaning of language and how it relates to the world. This relationship has language being looked at as possessing the capability to communicate facts in a precise and concise way, such that, the propositions are able to reflect reality falsely or rightly. In his book, Wittgenstein formulates the exact features a language should have so as to be able to reflect reality and hence make meaning. The languages that do not possess these features he says of them as lacking any important meaning. Still in his book Wittgenstein seeks out to delineate the vital features of propositions that are meaningful. He tries to address the question of the minimum circumstances of meaningfulness. This means, questioning what qualities a proposition should ha ve so as to be able to picture a possibility. With this background then, it therefore is possible to see the philosophers’ arguments about propositions and also better understand the picture’s theory of meaning he advanced in trying to better understand his work (Wittgenstein 1-19). ... e when the truth-conditions are satisfied thus enabling a statement to be judged as being true or false but which again depends on the actual facts found in the world is true in the use of language. Wittgenstein (22-97), argues that propositions are pictures of states of affairs. He does this by trying to distinguish the differences that emerge between saying something and showing something in trying to explain the use of language. His main objective is trying to show what can be described in language and that which cannot be described. He emphasizes on the importance of facts and objects and how they are paramount in showing the relationship that can be viewed by propositions and the elements of these propositions. By treating language thus it is meant to help people understand that just like facts propositions are also very complex in nature. This complex nature is seen in the order of how words and other language items occur also in the way names can only occur in the nexus of pro positions. As propositions are able at all costs determine reality precisely and whether falsely or rightly means that one can be able to deduce and make their own individual judgments. Wittgenstein’s picture theory of meaning and how the theory applies to what Wittgenstein calls propositions or propositional signs. Wittgenstein’s picture theory of meaning as seen in his book is one that is trying to look for the connection or relationship between language and the word. This he is doing by exploring the affinity of picturing. Seen clearly in the theory of meaning is the notion that the basic objective of a linguistic endeavor is to portray the world precisely and accurately. The philosopher looks at the world and language as two separate and independents entities that can only be
History questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History questions - Essay Example The concept of city-states began with them and they were known to practice some religious beliefs because of the ziggurats or the terraced temples. 2. AKKADIANS: The Akkadians who were natives of central Mesopotamia, had their own Akkadian writing using the cuneiform. Authors like Ziomkowski and Spielvogel claimed that they invented the stamps and instituted regular postal services and cadastral survey (3;6). Noble (18) said they gave us the first great warlord known to mankind and this was Sargon. 3. BABYLONIANS OR AMORITES: These inhabited lower Mesopotamia or near the Tigris-Euphrates delta. But with the conquest of the Akkadians and the Sumerians, King Hammurabi was able to carve a kingdom that unified almost the whole of Mesopotamia. Hammurabi then established the Code of Hammurabi, which was a list of judgments stressing fairness and justice among citizens. They then devised a calendar, consisting of 12 lunar months, with 30 days for each month and with 24 hours for each day. They also had a system 4. ASSYRIANS: These were warlike people in upper Mesopotamia who first utilized iron weapons and made use of chariots and cavalry. They invented battering rams and mobile towers to ensure victory in wars as well as what Noble(66) calls sapper work or excavation methods to undermine city walls of enemies. 5. 5. NEO-BABYLONIANS OR CHALDEANS: Led by King Nebuchadnezzar, these accomplished people who made a mark in astronomy, agriculture and the construction of buildings such as The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, will always be remembered for the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of the Jews (Noble et al 44). 6. LYDIANS: These inhabited the now northwestern Turkey and they were noted for their wealth and the beauty of its capital Sardis. Under King Croesus, they invented coinage and its minting using gold, silver and electrum. They were also the first to put up retail shops. 7. PERSIANS: These were people, who together with the Medes, occupied present day Iran. They will always be remembered because of their great warrior kings Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great and Xerxes who built one of the largest empire in the world. They also brought Zoroastrianism and a system of governance that divided the empire into 20 provinces, each ruled by a satrap and a system of road building as well as improvement of trade and a barter economy. 8. EGYPTIANS: These people were superb engineers, architects and builders. Denizens of the Nile River delta and oases, they constructed 35 pyramids, temples, obelisks and palaces. They established the art of mummification and the belief of immortality after death. They invented hieroglyphic writing on papyrus and the use of Rosetta stone to encrypt these writings. They devised irrigation and agricultural techniques and an efficient administration techniques under a vizier as well as the concept of Ma'at (Noble 25) or justice and the empowerment of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Criminal Investigation Essay Example for Free
Criminal Investigation Essay By general definition, an informant is an individual who gives privileged or highly valuable informations regarding a certain person, organization, or group to a certain agency (usually the law enforcement agencies such as the police or the military), without the knowledge of that person, organization, or group that disclosed the information. Based on the definition alone, I think that one of the most common stereotypes that I can hold regarding informants is that they are untrustworthy. Other terms or stereotypes used for informants are rats, snitches, or whistleblowers, which indicate that they will always divulge any valuable piece of information they obtain to the person or organization they are working for. While it is true that informants are very useful in the investigations of police and military operations, there are also times when they prove to be highly dangerous and threatening to a persons life. For example, a person posing as an investigator but is actually an informant may casually ask questions about someone close to me. Little do I know, the informant is working for a criminal organization who is after one of my friends or one of the people I know. Basically, these views towards informants would compel me to be more cautious when dealing with people likes these especially if I notice that they are asking too much information that is seemingly out of place. However, if the informant claims that he or she is assisting a pending police investigation, then I would first verify the authenticity of his or her position before I would disclose any information to him or her. In other words, when dealing with people, especially those whom I have recently met, I would be very careful whom I trust.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Principles Of Life In Frankensteins Gothic Horror English Literature Essay
The Principles Of Life In Frankensteins Gothic Horror English Literature Essay The story of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is an unforgettable gothic horror story. Written by Mary Godwin Shelley while staying at Lake Geneva, in Switzerland, Frankenstein was inspired by a vivid dream that she had after hearing a conversation about science and the origins of life. In this dream she saw a hideous phantasm of a man stretched out (Querna) and a scientist trying to bring him to life. Thus, the sub-title The Modern Prometheus leads the reader to relate the story to the Greek myth that Prometheus a Greek god stole fire and gave it to mankind (Cohen); it was believed that Prometheus was responsible for the creation of man. In Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein is responsible for creating the monster causing the public to view him as the mad scientist (Shelley 302). This gothic horror Frankenstein is known as more than a bookà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is a myth and a symbol and inspires an undisclosed secret (315), the principal of life. Mary Shelley uses many themes to give us a v ivid view of the different aspects of life including: humanity, creation and morality. Curiosity is shown in the passage of the story narrated by the monster. The monster is curious about the world around him. As he talks to Victor, he demands Victor as his creator to hear his tale (67). The monster describes some of this curiosity when he tells of his happiness at the discovery of many things in nature including the trees and the clear stream and was delighted when I first discovered that a pleasant sound, which often saluted by ears, proceeded from the throats of the little winged animals (68-69). Thus, his description shows the innocent curiosity of his life and the things he finds around him. He spent many hours watching the family in the cottage learning about their beauty and grace, the way they lived and loved (77-80). The love portrayed throughout Frankenstein also shows humanity. The monster, in his quest to learn about life learns about love from the family in the shack of the De Laceys. Shelley portrays the creature in a way that makes the reader feel sorry for him. He lives alone in a deserted shack fascinated by the closeness and the actions they show to each other including the gentle manners and beauty (75). He learns to read, speak and write during this time. He develops an evident compassion and learns to love the family. He in his kindness and love for the family decides it hurts them if he eats their food because it causes them to go hungry (75). He also realizes it helps them if he gathers their wood. He develops such a love for them that he becomes convinced in his thinking that they would compassionate me, and overlook my personal deformity (88). Shelley suggests that the monster had a great capacity to love as shown in the admiration of the De Lacey family. The monster is sadly disa ppointed when he is rejected and becomes angry learning that he cannot be accepted by society. At this point he again becomes alone and isolated from the world. Isolation is another form of humanity shown by Mary Shelley. The first instance of isolation is apparent when Victor Frankenstein separates himself from his family. He spends hours of his time absorbed in his work and seems to forget his family (33) not even taking the time to reply to his father. The isolation is realized by the monster while observing the cottagers. It is at this point that he decides to reveal himself to the family thinking they will accept him. This starts out well as the old man cant see well. However, it quickly becomes chaotic as the family returns home; they are frightened by his appearance and attack him and dash him to the ground and strike him violently with a stick (91). He is once again alone and isolated as he says his protectors had departed, and broken his only link to the world (93). He realizes the prejudice against his physical appearance. These same prejudices exist today putting limits on how one should look. Anything not considered as what we ca ll normal creates limits on the person that is different. I am sure these misfits in life also feel hurts and torments just as the monster did. Shelley wrote the monster at this point couldnt understand his being and his thoughts went back to his father, his creator (94) the one that had given him life (94). He couldnt understand why he had lived and thus cursed his creator (91). Creation is another theme used by Mary Shelley. Victor Frankenstein spends hour upon hour in his lab working to bring to life a form he develops from the body parts of dead people and live animals. In The Landscape of Grief in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein by Matthew Brennan it is suggested that Frankenstein is Mary Shelleys way of dealing with the death of her mother and her child. Mary Shelley herself had fantasies of resurrecting the dead. After her first, nameless infant died, she dreamed of animating it (3). Mary used Victors obsession as a parallel to her thinking as his sole motivation becomes the infantile desire to animate the dead. This theme of creation matches the fantasy and dreams (Brennan) she has had about bringing the dead people in her family back to life. Shelleys description of how Victor creates his creature is close in resemblance to a human birth. She calls Victors lab a workshop of filthy creation (Shelley 32) indicating this could be the uterus. Shelley also use s the amount of time it takes for a baby to grow Winter, spring and summer passed away during my labours (page 33) suggesting he is taking the place of a women. The creation of Victors human and the animation to life suggests that reproduction would become unnecessary. This creation breaks the normal family structure. Victor also takes on the idea of being a God he thinks: a new species would bless me as its creator and source (32) and implies that the creature would owe him gratification. Upon the accomplishment of his toils he quickly realized that the beauty of his dreams vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart (Shelley 34). His ideas of being a God quickly change when he realizes how ugly his creation is. He then abandons the poor creature refusing to be the father figure that he might have been and alienates himself from society and from the creature. He goes into a state of panic and shock and commences into a state of nervous fear for several months (Shell ey 36). He then spends the following time in the story being tormented by the monster he has created. He thinks he sees the dreaded spectre glide into the room and imagines the monster has seized him (Shelley 37). Upon learning of the murder of his brother Victor travels toward home. During a very violent storm he sees in the gloom a figure, its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy daemon to whom I had given life (48). Wherever Victor goes the monster follows him. The monster finally approaches the scientist demanding that you must create a female for me, with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being. This you alone can do; and I demand it of you as a right which you must not refuse (98). He threatens Victor for breaking his promise of the creation of a mate. You are my creator, but I am your masterobey! (Shelley 116) he commands to Victo r or I shall be with you on your wedding night the scientist would have seized him, but he eluded him and left the house (Shelley 116). Victor Frankenstein breaks his promise to the monster when he starts questioning the moral issue of creating a second being. The question of morality plays a very important role in Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein took on the role of God when he assumed the capability of bestowing animation upon lifeless manner ( ). Thus, bringing up the question of what is morally correct. In Frankenstein Victor in trying to create life and take Gods place. It seems Victor loses his sense of morality in his quest to find the knowledge of the secrets of the universe. Also, in his creation of the monster, all of the body parts are stolen from the unhallowed damps of the grave and he has no fear of disturbing the dead. He also gets parts from the torture of living animals (32). Victor Frankensteins loss of morals and ethics bring up the factor of the forbidden and the punishment that comes when a person crosses into this area. In the story of Adam and Eve, they were expelled from the garden because of the forbidden fruit. Victor Frankenstein in this myth crosses into forbidden areas as this tale of a man who overstepped the bounds of what we should know, created life, and then was punished by having his monstrous creation turn on him in the most horrible way (Cohen). This brings up the question also of what is ethically correct. In The Circle of Friends at the Villa Diodai by Mary Shelley, the story assumed mythic dimensions as it addressed profound implications concerning mans understanding of transgressing against God and Nature(add page number if available). Victor Frankenstein forfeits his integrity and he becomes speechless and incapable of communicating with others, the most extreme instance is his inability to testify on Justines behalf and, thereby, becomes responsible for her execution (Abrams). He is ashamed and wants to keep his horrible creation a secret. The creation of a living being brings up the subject of medical ethics. In the medicine of Shelley and Frankenstein by Steven Doherty, medical ethics prevalent during the time of Frankenstein are still relevant today albeit in a different form. Debate over stem cell research and cloning poses the same ethical dilemmas as the creation of Frankensteins monster, and the re-animation of life that scientists in Shelleys day thought possible. This brings up the questions, Can man create life? What would be the benefits to society? Will it be possible to clone a human being? Probably one of the biggest debates would be, what are the moral implications of cloning? According, to the Bible and the creation of mankind by God, cloning as well as the idea in the creation of Frankenstein, this would be a denial of God. Scientist continues to pursue knowledge and to find the secrets of the universe. Christians find this to be wrong. God is the creator and we cannot take his place. Dr. Frankenstein apparently has some conscience nous to this fact towards the end of the story. With the knowledge that Dr. Frankenstein has he feels sorry for the monster and pledges to make him a companion believing that the Creation will do as he says and quit the neighborhood and man, promises the morally corrupt monster upon the completion of his partner. Upon thinking about it, the scientist fears that the monster will not keep his part of the bargain. He gets into a moral battle in his mind realizing the possibility of being rid of his creation if he commits another moral sin and creates another one or the possibility they could become twice the amount of a problem (Shelley 114). It is at this time he decided to act morally. He destroys the second creation that he is in the process of assembling (Shelley 115). Mary Shelley upon this moral realization suddenly calls him the good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world (Cohen). Mary Shelleys gothic horror Frankenstein The Modern Prometheus is a myth she wrote following a dream she had about the principles of life. During the time she wrote the story, the creation of life and re-animation by what were know as mad scientists were a main topic of conversation. Shelleys story was written mainly in regard to the creation of the being, a monster, we call Frankenstein, who remained nameless throughout the story. The principles of her life were shown through the three narrations, the characters and parallelism to things in Frankenstein. To emphasize the principles of life she uses themes of humanity including curiosity, love and isolation to support her view of her personal evils in her life. She also writes using the themes of creation and morality. Her story sends out a message about creation and how moral irresponsibility can create something that was not meant for humanity. The thirst for knowledge can cause one to deny God and the creation process.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Electronic Human Resource Management
Electronic Human Resource Management Chapter one: Introduction 1.1. Background: Since the mid 1990s, organizations increasingly introduce electronic Human Resource Management (HRM). It has different names, for example e-HRM, digital HRM and web-based HRM. The rapid development of the Internet during the last decade has also boosted the implementation and application of electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). Surveys of HR consultants suggest that both the number of organizations adopting e-HRM and the depth of applications within the organizations are continually increasing (e.g. CedarCrestone, 2005) in world wide. In addition, an escalating number of practitioner reports provide anecdotal evidence that e-HRM is becoming increasingly common and may lead to remarkable changes (e.g. Anonymous, 2001). Consequently, academic interest in e-HRM has increased, as several special issues of HR-related journals demonstrate (Stanton Coovert, 2004; Townsend Bennett, 2003; Viswesvaran, 2003). In the interim, there is an initial body of empirical research in e-HRM. Ho wever, since this research stems from several disciplines and is scattered throughout numerous journals and since initial reviews are not encompassing (Anderson, 2003; Lievens Harris 2003; Welsh, Wanberg, Brown, Simmering, 2003), the results of these studies remain unclear at present. Furthermore, changes in the role that HR fulfills in the organization and the implementation of e-HRM are related to each other, and should not be considered separately (Gardner et al., 2003; Fletcher, 2005). The implementation of e-HRM should fit well with strategic organizational needs regarding personnel in general and HR redesign in specific. Little is known about this fit, however. In relation to this point, the possible perception of e-HRM as an attempt by the strategic level within the organization to offload operational HR work onto employees respectively managers should be taken into account when analyzing acceptance of e-HRM systems. In the last decade the Internet has radically changed our social and economic lives, and has had a profound effect on the way organizations are managed. For example, it has altered human resource (HR) practices and changed strategies for attracting and retaining employees. The same strategies have become particularly important because organizations increasingly depend on workers knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes (KSAOs) to compete in todays economy (Ulrich, 2001) in Oman. In addition, the Internet has enabled organizations to become more collaborative, connected, and responsive to the changing needs of the workforce. For instance, new electronic human resource (e-HR) systems allow individuals to apply for jobs, change their job-related benefits, and enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) through web-based training systems. The type of information technology adopted by HRM has been phrased, as it has evolved, differently over the years, for example: Hum an Resource Information System (HRIS), Human Resources Management System (HRMS), Human Resource Development And Information Technology (HRDIS), and the most current and popular electronic HR (e-HR). The use of IT by HRM is growing especially critical to the business nowadays when discontinuities (mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and downsizing) are altering the industry landscape in a drastic way. HRM executives, the key figures in organizations responsible for fine-tuning a capable workforce, must have the right and real-time information to measure, manage, and predict how workforce should be allocated and reconfigured effectively. With the analyzed information produced by the IT, HR professionals, more than ever, are able to align their management goals and the goals of individual employees with corporate strategy to deliver strategic plans with quantifiable results, and, ultimately, be able to deal with changes proactively. With the help from the information technology, HRM p rofessionals are also able to demonstrate the HRMs benefit to the bottom line by effectively managing knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) that create winning companies. Human resource management (HRM) departments using information and communication technologies (ICTs) is becoming an increasingly important phenomenon commonly referred to as e-HRM. Automating HR tasks and practices is transforming the traditional paper-and-pencil, labor-intensive HR tasks, into efficient, fast-response activities that enable companies to anticipate and profit from environmental shifts to create a much needed competitive advantage (Marler, 2006; Watson Wyatt, 2002). Even though the e-HRM concept is widely used today, there are hardly any explicit definitions. The few detectable definitions (Lengnick-Hall Moritz, 2003; RuÃÆ' «l, Bondarouk, Looise, 2004) are rather general and emphasize the Internet-supported way of performing HR policies and/or activities. Leaning on these intensions, the following definition of e-HRM can be specified: e-HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities. This concept highlights several crucial aspects of e-HRM. At the outset, e-HRM utilizes information technology in a twofold manner: First, technology is necessary to connect usually spatially segregated actors and enable interactions between them irrespective of their working in the same room or on different continents, i.e. technology serves as a medium with the aim of connection and integration. Second, t echnology supports actors by partially and sometimes even completely substituting for them in executing HR activities. Hence, information technology serves additionally as a tool for task fulfillment. The planning aspect accentuates the systematic and anticipated way of applying information technology. The shared performing of tasks through at least two actors points out that the sharing of HR activities is an additional feature and underlines the aspect of interaction and networking. The consideration of individual and collective actors takes into account that e-HRM is a multilevel phenomenon; besides individual actors, there are collective actors like groups, organizational units and even whole organizations that interact in order to perform HR activities. Beside e-HR(M), there are some further concepts which obviously refer to the same phenomenon. Widely accepted are such terms as virtual HR(M) (e.g., Lepak Snell, 1998), web-based HR(M) (e.g., RuÃÆ' «l et al., 2004), or bus iness-to-employee (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“B2Eà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ) (e.g., Huang, Jin, Yang, 2004). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Virtual HRMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ refers to technological mediated networks of different internal and external actors providing the firm with the HR services needed without the further existence of a conventional HR department which therefore becomes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“virtualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . E-HRM is additionally open to less developed varieties of technology application, e.g. the shared performing of an application process by a conventional HR department and an applicant via the Internet. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Web-based HRMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ couples the concept to Internet technologies. E-HRM, as well, is particularly web-orientated, but also comprises additional technologies like networked ERP-Systems. Finally, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“business-to-employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ reduces the concept to the internal actor categories of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (presumably line managers and HR profess ionals) and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“employeesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In contrast, e-HRM is open to further relevant actor categories like applicants or consultants. To sum up, these further terms undoubtedly direct attention to main characteristics of the same phenomenon but are of somewhat narrower intensions. Thus, in order to comprehensively embrace relevant aspects, the e-HRM term is used. Fundamental definition of HRM offered by numerous scholars remains to be the managing of people who work in an organization (Gomez -Mejia, Balkin Cardy, 2001). Another popular definition of HRM specified the top management of the corporation as the only employer of the HRM staff (Renckly, 1997). Based on this thinking, HRM is to essentially establish, develop, maintain, and communicate personnel policies to the entire company, and thus, to represent, help, advise, and consult with the employees of the organizations. It is apparent that HRM was defined from an employer perspective, and was expected to serve and represent first, last and always the best interests of their only employer: top management. Beer and Spector (1985), representing another group of researchers and HRM practitioners, defined HRM from the relationship perspective as the management of this relationship between employees and the organization which, more specifically, involves all management decisions which affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and employeesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ its human resources. Nadler (1990), on the other hand, defines HRM from an organizational learning point of view as: the organized learning experience in a definite time period to increase the possibility of improving job performance and growth. As human resource (HR) management departments continue to move to internet or web-based technology (The Hunter Group, 2001), more research evaluating the use of web-based HR, or electronic human resource management (e-HRM) is needed. The fastest growing trend in the delivery of HR information is employee self-service (ESS) (Gueutal, 2003). These applications give employees the ability to access and maintain their personal HR information via the web. Another growing trend is the adoption of managerial self-service (MSS) which provides managers access to a variety of HR tools and information via the web (Gueutal, 2003). Most manager HR-related tasks can be completed via MSS applications including pay administration/compensation, performance management, staffing, and employee development (Gueutal, 2003). Another term used to describe these tools utilized within a given organization is human resource information systems (HRIS), which Kavanagh and Thite (2008) define as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“th e system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyse, retrieve, and distribute information regarding an organizations human resources.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Lepak and Snell (1998) refer to the four à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"pressures of virtual HRM. First of all, HRM departments are asked to focus on strategic questions. Secondly, these departments need to be flexible in terms of policymaking and practices. Thirdly, HRM departments should work efficiently and be aware of costs. Fourthly, HRM departments should be service-oriented towards management and employees. In short, HRM departments must be strategy-focused, flexible, efficient, and client oriented; and all at the same time (Lepak and Snell, 1998). RuÃÆ' «l et al. (2004) highlighted an aspect that is fairly well covered by the above but that is nevertheless interesting to spell out, namely the changing nature of the employment relationship. With the supply shortage in the labor market (during the economic upturn of the 1990s), the individualization of society, and the increased educational level of citizens (and thus of employees), the power balance in the employment relationship has shift ed in the direction of the employees: they want to steer their own career paths. In the view of RuÃÆ' «l et al. (2004), a move towards e-HRM can provide the tools to support this development. This aspect fits into earlier-mentioned drivers such as improving service towards internal clients, but has an external societal drive. Yet another goal of e-HRM was stressed as the outcome of the case study research conducted by RuÃÆ' «l et al (2004): it is necessary to recognize that to improve a companys global orientation can become a strong drive to start with e-HRM. Theoretical debates suggest three goals of e-HRM are cost reduction, improving of HR services, and improving strategic orientation (Brockbank, 1997; Lepak and Snell, 1998; Stanton and Coovert, 2004). Few empirical findings supplement these goals with globalisation as a driving e-HRM force in international large organisations, but also show that those goals are not clearly defined in practice, and that e-HRM mostly direct ed at cost reductions and efficiency of HR services, and least at strategic orientation of HRM (Gardner et al, 2003; RuÃÆ' «l et al, 2004; Ruta, 2005). HRM effectiveness is often mentioned as HRM contribution to firm performance (see, for ex., Kane et al, 1999; Ostroff and Bowen, 2000; Wright et al, 2001). Especially during the past decade the HRM literature made attempts to show that progressive HR practices result in higher firm performance (Wright et al, 2005; Hope Hailey, 2005). Huselids (1995) pioneering study has shown that a set of HR practices labelled High Performance Work Systems were related to turnover, accounting profits, and firm market value. Since then, a growing number of studies have attempted to empirically test the relationships between HR practices and firm performance (see elaborated overviews by Delery and Doty, 1996; Ostroff and Bowen, 2000; Boselie et al, 2001; Tsui and Wang, 2002; Wright et al, 2005). For example, MacDuffie (1995) has found that bundles of HR practices were related to productivity and quality in his sample of auto assembly plants. Delery and Doty (1996) found significant relationships betwe en HR practices and accounting profits among a sample of banks. Youndt et al (1996) discovered that certain combinations of HR practices in their sample of manufacturing firms were related to operational performance indicators. More recently, the study of Batt (2002) examined the relationship between HR practices, employee quit rates, and organizational performance in the service sector, and revealed that quit rates were lower and sales growth was higher in call centers that emphasized high skills, employee participation, and human resource incentives like high employment security. 1.2. Problem Statement One of the principal and most integral objectives of Omans Vision 2020 is the development of Human Resources. The importance of Human Resource Development (HRD) has been given top priority throughout the Sultanate of Omans successive Five-Year Development Plan. In Omans vision 2020; economic conference held in Muscat in June, 1995, His Majestys address to the nation clearly emphasized the need for the private sector to undertake an active role in the development of the economic process and in the achievement of the national goals. Nonetheless, this was not considered in isolation from the development of the national human resources, but rather in conjunction as proclaimed by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said: Development is not a goal in itself rather; it exists for building man, who is its means and producer. Therefore, development must not stop at the achievement of a diversified economy. it must go beyond that and contribute to the formation of the citizen who is capable of taking part in the process of progress and comprehensive development. (Vision 2020 Conference, June, 1995). In Oman, now as never before, the training and development of national (Omani) human resources to a high level of efficiency competency is a must. This is due to a number of reasons including less dependence on oil resources, less dependence on foreign (expatriate) workers, Omanization, implementation of a successful privatization program, diversification, industrialization, technological innovation and an increasingly competitive global market. To meet the goal of Vision 2020, electronic human resource management is the one of the essential part for the development of the human capital. In this sense it is quite difficult for effective e-HRM in firms in Oman. Technologically it will be new to the firms in Oman. Henson (2005) identifies workforce and technology as the heartbeat and the toolset of the HR business today. HRM is no doubt the business unit most directly responsible for the managing and the developing of the workforce, therefore, factors and trends that trigger the workforce changes need to be addressed with care. Researchers in 21st century have come to the realization of the greatest workforce crisis: the aging of the industrialized world (Dychtwald, Erickson Morison, 2006), resulting in an unprecedented shift in the age distribution of the general population and, specifically, the labor force. 1.3. Research Question: 1. Does an e-HRM tool affect e-HRM function? 2. Is there any relationship between e-HRM tools and HRM function? 3. Is there any relationship between HRM function and firm performance in e-HRM practice? 1.4. Research Objective: Main objective of this study is to investigate the e-HRM effectiveness in oil industry in Oman. * To investigate whether the e-HRM tools and HRM function are related * To investigate whether e-HRM tools affect the HRM functions * To investigate whether e-HRM has an effect on firm performance 1.5. Significant of the Study This study will provide the human resource professional to more effective way to implement the human resource functions implementation in oil industry in Oman. This study also identified e-HRM features that deserve HRM practitioners attention and organizational resources. This in-depth examining of the set of e-HRM features can also serve as potential tools for the management to decide on the future adjustments of their e-HR system, and the implementation of the new systems. From a practical perspective, result like performances, either yielded by certain business division like HRM or by organizations, reflects an organizations capabilities in implementing competitive strategies and tools, and aligning its resources and goals. Therefore, by establishing and learning the relationships among the use of e-HRM system, the perceived importance of e-HRM features, HRMs functional performances organizational performances, and the perceived importance of the dimensions of the organizational performances, HRM practitioners shall be able to manage IT-related issues more effectively, and benefit better from the use of e-HRM. Although this study will be based on the oil industry in Oman; but the finding can helps the other organization also such as education, manufacturer etc. to practice human resource function through online more effectively. 1.6. Scope of the study We only use the technology factors and the HRM function implementation through online for HRM effectiveness in this study. There are some other opportunities for researcher to conduct the research on e-HRM effectiveness in Oman. They can add the strategic part of organization with these variables in future. Strategic variable such as the organization goal, objectives and so on can be considered for further study. . Beside this the technology factors such as system implementation also can be included. 1.7. Limitation of the Study In this study one of the major problems is about the sample. This study can take larger sample than it will be taken. An also the time is another limitation for conducting this research. Shortage of time make researcher to consider the sample for this dissertation in few firms only. Beside that money allocation is another problem for this research. Researcher is using his own money to conduct this study. So that he cannot cover the wide area of or many more firm for analyze. 1.8. Organisation of the study: Chapter two: Literature Review 2.1. Theoretical perspectives Given different interpretations and assessments of theory, there is an ambiguity concerning theories, frameworks and other phenomenological conceptualizations. Even acknowledging a broad intension of theory, only one-fifth of the studies rest on theoretical bases. Corresponding to the diverse disciplines and topics, the theories employed are also quite diverse. Often, several perspectives are employed in an eclectic manner. Predominantly, micro-level theories of psychological and behavioral provenance are adopted. Attribution theory and correspondence inference theory (ElginClapham, 2004), the attraction-selection-attrition and the similarity-attraction paradigm (Dineen, Ash, Noe, 2002), change management theories (Ruta, 2005), organizational citizenship behavior (Huang, Jin, et al., 2004), privacy theories (Harris, van Hoye,Lievens, 2003), procedural justice theory (Dineen,Noe, Wang, 2004), signaling theory (Cober,Brown Levy,Cober 2003), as well as social cognitive theory (Williams on, Lepak, King, 2003) are adopted in order to explain individual perceptions and reactions arising from e-HRM. Additionally, a learning theory is adopted to compare instructor-led and web-based learning (Coppola Myre, 2002). In addition, some theories stemming from information systems research are used. The technology acceptance model (Huang, Yang, Jin, Chiu, 2004), the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (Ruta, 2005), and the theory of usability (Williamson, Lipak, King, 2003) are used to frame again problems of individual reactions and usage. Also, a conceptual IT-framework is used to structure e-HRM impacts on HR-professionals (Gardner, Lepak, Bartol, 2003). One single study pursues a microeconomic approach to explain e-employment markets (Nissen Gates, 2004). In brief, current empirical research in e-HRM is mainly non theoretical. The theories applied are micro-level oriented, diverse in nature and often eclectic in application. Interestingly, recognized ma cro-level theories of HRM (Wright McMahan, 1992) were not considered. 2.2. HRM Effectiveness To know the effectiveness of e-HRM, HRM functions are relatively come to the picture. The American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA), the predecessor to SHRM, first defined HRM functions in 1975 as the technical competencies in the following areas (HRCI, 2006): * Employment, placement and personnel planning. * Training and development. * Compensation and benefits. * Health, safety and security. * Employee and labor relations. * Personnel research. Smith and Mazin (2004) reports the scope of the HRM functions covers the following areas of functionality: * Employee selection * HR policies, performance management * Performance Management * Training and development * Employee relations and retention * Compensation * Benefits * Regulatory Issues * Workforce violence and investigation * Termination and discharge Researchers also observed other dimensions to HRM as well, for instance, Huselid, Jackson and Schuler (1997) reports that HRM effectiveness has two essential dimensions. The first, the technical HRM, includes the delivery of HRM basics such as recruiting, compensation, separation etc. The second, strategic HRM, involves delivering those services in a way that directly supports the implementation of the firms strategy. Other academia and HRM professionals are also inclined to analyze HRM functions from various perspectives, for example: from the areas of activity (Nadler,1990), and from the areas of service rendered. Nadler (1990) first groups the HRM functions into three specific areas of activity: (1) training, which implies learning related to present job, (2) education, which implies learning to prepare the individual for a different but identified job, (3) development, which implies learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or future job. This f urther reinforces the thinking of HRM being learning-driven. 2.3. Implementation e-HR Kehoe, Dickter, Russell and Sacco (2005) points out that the organizations overall culture and HRM strategy determine the manner in which organizations will implement their e-enablement systems. The e-enabled programs can either be implemented as part of a broad e-enablement of HR processes and systems, or implemented independent of other HR processes and systems. It is even possible that specific e-enabled assessment applications may be implemented independent of each other. No matter what, organizations need to develop guiding principles regarding the following issues on the management of an e-enabled HR environment: * Risk management relating to employment discrimination * Buy versus build and the roles of internal HR IT and third party providers * HR expertise versus automaticity in the e-enabled assessment process * Whose functions the system will be designed to support * Ownership * The integration of e-enabled assessment with other HR systems and process * Free market versus regulated processes E-recruitment In terms of the organizations objectives, the primary goal of the recruitment process is to attract potential applicants (prospects) who have the KSAOs needed to meet the requirements of organizational roles. Thus, organizations are increasingly using the Internet to advertise job openings and attract qualified prospects. The web-based advertisements often provide prospects with information about (a) job vacancies, (b) job descriptions, (b) the organizations culture and its à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“brand identity,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and (d) the inducements (e.g., pay, fringe benefits, learning opportunities, promotion prospects) offered its employees. Interestingly, some estimates indicate that 100%of large firms currently use the Internet to announce job openings, and 82% of large firms use intranet systems to post openings or identify qualified employees within the organization (Cedar, 2002). For example, organizations have developed sophisticated web-based recruiting systems to convey informat ion about job opportunities and give applicants the ability to complete applications online (Stone, Johnson, Navas, Stone- Romero, 2005; Stone, Lukaszewski, Isenhour, 2005). In addition, organizational intranet systems are often used to search employment records to determine if the KSAOs of current employees are consistent with the requirements of vacant or soon-to-be vacant roles. Such systemsmay automatically provide managers with lists of qualified employees, and notify individuals about new job opportunities. In addition, the same systems may send messages to employees that ask about their interests in job openings. Overall, e-HR-based recruiting systems are thought to reach a much wider set of prospects than traditional recruiting systems (Gueutal Stone, 2005; Stone, Lukaszewski et al., 2005). Internet-based e-HR systems are also used to provide job applicants (applicants) with virtual previews of organizations. For instance, some organizations use à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“real timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cameras to give prospects a preview of what it is like to work in the organization on a daily basis. Other organizations (e.g., Cisco Systems) use such systems to give job applicants the opportunity to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“make friends in the organization.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Through the resulting contacts, prospects can gather considerable information about the benefits and challenges of working for the organization. As a result of the availability of information about role requirements and inducements, applicants can determine if their (a) needs can be satisfied by offered inducements, and (b) KSAOs are likely to enable them to meet role requirements. Though a great deal of organizations believe e-recruiting systems permit firms to cast a wide net across a broad labor market, and is more likely than traditional recruitment sources to uncover individuals with unique talents and skills, researches show that e-recruiting only attracts greater numbers of candidates than other sources, but not necessarily attracts higher quality applicants or candidates who are most suitable for the companies than traditional sources (Chapman Webster, 2003; Galanaki, 2002). McManus and Ferguson (2003) discovers: given that some types of candidates may be more likely to use e-recruiting than the others (for instance, job hoppers or savvy internet navigators), the use of the e-recruiting systems may actually affect the characteristics of new hires in organizations, and influence the overall composition of the workforce. McManus and Ferguson (2003), Galanki (2002), Zusman and Landis (2002) further argue that there are age, gender, and ethnic differences in reactions to and usage of online recruitment sources, therefore, organizations should not use online recruiting as the sole recruitment sources. E-Selection There are three purposes for all the HR e-enablement (Kehoe, Dickter, Russell Sacco, 2005): (1) to minimize cost, (2) to maximize the utilization of the organizations human capital, (3) to enable sustainability which refers to the organizations willingness and ability not only to maintain the e-enabled system, but to progressively evolve the system to satisfy changing requirements, and capitalize on improvements in technology and the science of selection. The purposes for e-enabling selection are no any different from the above. While conducting the maximizing the utilization of the organizations human capital, organizations are required to design two measures into the e-enabled selection system: (1) the capital represented by each person who goes through the process (including the set of text scores, interview ratings, resum6 quality indices, background check results, drug test results, and any other quantifiable evaluation of the skills, experiences, abilities.. ..etc.), and (2) t he extent to which the process results in decisions that maximize the utilization of that capital (for example, ratio or difference between average test scores for selected candidates to average test scores for all candidates, percentage of candidates who satisfy minimum requirements such as for drug tests or background checks, retention rates, post-hire, new hire performance management results.. ..etc.). Organizations also need to enable sustainability by emphasizing on: clear ownership, funding strategy, business contribution, user satisfaction, and professional support. As for the implementation, Kehoe, Dickter, Russell and Sacco reports that more and more organizations nowadays prefer to acquire a vendors e-selection system because of the appealing features of specialized and flexible system solution products available on the market. E-Performance Management Researchers have previously compared online administrations and traditional paper-and-pencil (PP) administrations of organizational surveys (Thompson et al., 2003), measurement of psychological constructs (Cole et al., 2006), upward feedback ratings (Smither et al., 2004), and item responses to a 3608 assessment (Penny, 2003). Whereas researchers have contrasted online versus PP groups reactions to selection tools (Richman-Hirsch et al., 2000), no research has compared online versus PP administrations in the context of performance appraisal (PA). Although frequently defined as a measurement instrument or tool, PA is the social and communication process in which a supervisor evaluates an employees behavior in the workplace and communicates those ratings and feedback back to the employee (Murphy and Cleveland, 1995). The purpose of this study is to address this gap in the applied research literature and examine the extent to which an online PA system influences employees reactions to t heir PA. We believe this is an important applied research question that HR managers need to know the answer to before implementing e-HRM/HRIS PA tools. Though Cardy and Miller (2005) argues that the level of performance made possible by technological advancement has changed the standard for acceptable performance, appraisal satisfaction remains a relevant concern for organizations even when technology is either a primary mechanism for the feedback process, or already become the appraisal process, because high-quality performance feedback is a critical factor that helps organizations retain, motivate, and develop their employees, and, these outcomes are more likely to occur if employees are satisfied with
Monday, August 19, 2019
Urban Legend of Photos of Hikers on the Appalachian Trail :: Urban Legends
Lost Among the Leaves: Secret Photos of Hikers on the Appalachian Trail This story, which I have named â€Å"Lost in the Leaves†, is a very detailed and place specific version of the unexplained photographs legends. While unexplained photograph legends often involve humorous pictures taken as a practical joke, there is also a darker streak of these legends. These are legends where mysterious photographs reveal just how near a person was to death through photographs developed after the fact. The fear in these is of what could have happened. In this version however, the photographs serve to warn the endangered as well. This urban legend thus allows other interpretations for why the photographs were taken, and shown to the endangered party. I collected this urban legend from a Freshman here at the University. It was told to him as a scary story when he was hiking along the Appalachian trail, about five years ago. Have you ever been on the Appalachian Trail? OK. The man who proposed it had a utopian vision of a long, tenuous string of outposts stretching from Maine to Georgia, such that adventurous young men and women, possibly disenfranchised by society and the economy, could trek from one end of the country to the other sharing each night with similarly disposed adventurers. Each outpost was to consist of dozens of beds, a kitchen, a chess set sitting on the porch. The idea was every traveler should feel at liberty to pursue the trail at whatever speed they desired, with the assurance that wherever their feet took them they would find welcome. Reality falls a little short of this vision -- most of the shelters are actually three-sided cabins with four bunks-- Mouse infested-- But still, finding a structure of obviously human origin in the wilderness is a comforting thing. Sometimes, on the trail, you'll come across an artifact of a previous traveler -- say -- a rope swing -- that is obviously constructed with such care that it seems to carry something of the soul of the person who put it there. I remember once coming to the top of a mountain and finding a meadow that was bare grass except for one tree in the middle -- and from that tree hung a rope swing that looked to have been there for decades. The Appalachian Trail convinces those who follow it of the existence of ghosts. Benevolent ghosts.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
common law and equity Essays -- essays research papers
Equity is frequently referred to as a supplement to the common law. Cruzon defines Equity as a system of law developed by the court of chancery in parallel with the common law. It was designed to complement it, providing remedies for situations that were unavailable at Law. Because of this, Equity provided a dimension of flexibility and justice that was often times lacking because of the common law’s rigidity. This rigidity stems from the fact that, while courts sometimes altered their jurisdictions and procedures, the fundamental premises and noticeable forms of the common law went largely unchanged between the 13th and 19th centuries. The common law was regarded as a birthright for all Englishmen; however, as the Crown continued to impose new jurisdictions, many statues sought to protect the peoples’ right to due process. In 1215 the Magna Carta was issued which sought to protect a free man’s right to life, liberty, and property except by the due process of the law. These statutes meant to limit the power of the crown, the very power that had introduced the common law as an alternative to the previous localized form of justice, and characterized a shift in the common law. Yet, due process legislation could only be invoked where the common law was considered to be deficient, and petitions were sent to the king, seeking his grace, when this was thought to be the case. Gradually the number of these petitions increased so much that they had to be reserved for special councils of the parliament, and as they continued to increase, only the most significant petitions were reserved for the parliament. The re st, mainly private suits, were passed on to individual councilors such as the chancellor, admiral, or marshal. These councilors grew in importance as petitioners began approach the appropriate individual directly. Out of the councilors’ arrangements for dealing with these cases, along with their added significance, developed several distinct courts. The most important of these was that of the chancellor as it developed its own jurisprudence. The Chancery began as the royal secretariat. Originally it was a department where royal writs and charters were drawn and sealed. Much of the chancellor’s later power stemmed from the fact that he had custody of the great seal of England, which was used to authenticate these documents. Because the writs originated from thi... ...  In the 19th century radical reforms of the judicial system attacked the practical flaws of the chancery. In 1813 the supreme power of the chancellor was checked by the appointment of a vice-chancellor. Later, this effort was continued by increasing the power of the Master of the Rolls, and the abolition of many of the offices in the court. By reducing the spread of the court and once again streamlining business, hopes were for joining the two courts and, once and for all, eliminating the rivalry between them. After 500 years, however, the chancery still left a bad taste in peoples’ mouths, and under Victorian legislation, the power of the supreme courts was increased to administer the law and equity: the chancery and the common law courts were abolished, forever ending the age old dispute between the two. While the chancery was abolished, equity has taken on a broader meaning and still survives today in England and the US. It is that approach to justice giving more precedent to particular facts of a case. Equity is important because it gave increasing protection to the individual, and represented a breaking away from the medieval notion of the all-powerful feudal lord.
The Progressive Period Essay -- American Government, Roosevelt, Politi
In 1901, America welcomed the youngest president to ever rule, President Theodore Roosevelt. At forty-two years old, the former New York governor dominated the news unlike any previous president had done. His many exploits, such as boxing and horseback riding, led the press to gain interest in him. Known for being very outgoing and likable, Roosevelt used his personality and popularity to advance in his programs. â€Å"His leadership and publicity campaigns helped create the modern presidency, making him a model by which all future presidents would be measured†(524). He felt that the government should take control when states show incompetence in dealing with problems. Roosevelt saw the presidency as a â€Å"bully pulpit.†He believed he could use the media to persuade the public, rather than going to congress. â€Å"By 1900, trusts-legal bodies created to hold stock in many companies-controlled about four-fifths of the industries in the United States†(525). Some trusts used unfair business practices. This gave trusts a bad reputation. There were many trusts that lowered their prices to drive competitors out of the market. These trusts then took advantage of the lack of competition and jacked prices up even higher. Even though Congress passed the Sherman Anti Trust Act in 1890, the act’s indistinct language made enforcement difficult. â€Å"President Roosevelt did not believe that all trusts were harmful, but he sought to curb the actions of those that hurt the public interest†(525). The president’s main focus was filing suits under the Sherman Antitrust Act. Roosevelt made newspaper headlines in 1902 when he ordered the Justice Department to sue the Northern Securities Company, which established a monopoly over northwestern railroads. The Suprem... ...air business practices. The FTC issued over 400 cease and desist orders. Under Taft’s administration, the LaFollette Seamen’s Act was passed in 1915. This law helped improve conditions for sailors in the merchant marine considerably. In 1916 goods manufactured by children were outlawed due to the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act. Child labor was declared unconstitutional in 1918, as was the Chile Labor Act of 1919. Interstate railroads were provided an 8-hour day by the Adamson Act of 1916. The Smith-Lever Act was passed in 1914 during Taft’s presidency. Under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture, this act granted Federal funds to states for farm extension work. Two years later, the Federal Farm Loan Act was passed in 1916, providing farmers with long-term credit facilities similar to those granted business and industry under the Federal Reserve Act.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Human Nature Essay
After reading Mencius essay â€Å"Mans Nature is Good†and Hsun Tzu’s essay â€Å"Mans Nature is Evil†It made me realize that men are shaped by experience. People are born with a blank mind with a desire of some knowledge. Much of what we learn affects our behavior. Throughout our life, experiences have been shaping what we are. Both Mencius and Tzu believe the complete opposite, arguing that men are born with a nature of being good or evil. By reading these articles I’ve come to assume that people are born neither good nor evil; instead both of these are obtained through the filling of our mind with experiences and all this together has influenced what we become. Hsun Tzu’s theory about how human nature is inherently evil and Mencius about how we are good caught my attention, because it made me realize that man can go either way. Even though I don’t agree with either of them entirely, they opened my mind about how nature can turn one way or another. People are not born inherently good because if that’s the case then every society would have to be good and would not bother with problems like violence and other chaotic scenarios. To go into a good pathway, people must be straightened by mentors. Like Tzu uses on his essay â€Å"A warp piece of wood must wait until it has been laid against the straightening board, steamed, and forced into shape before it can become straight; a piece of blunt metal must wait until it has been whetted on a grindstone before it can become sharp†(101). Family, schools, and religion are a fair way to obtain this goodness. For example these three sources have taught us since childhood to be respectful. This is the kind of experiences one has to follow in order to be good. Family has taught us to have good manners; therefore they work as our mentors. It is just your choice whether to implement these experiences of being good into your life or to go by the experience you been having with the wrong people. People aren’t born evil either. Instead people learn this through experience as well. For example traumatic experience and experiencing poor family conditions can make a child into a delinquent. Mencius said that â€Å"If you plant the seeds carefully at the same time and in the same place, they’ll all sprout and grow ripe by summer solstice. If they don’t grow the same- it’s because of the inequities in richness of soil, amounts of rainfall, or the care given to them by farmers. And so, all members belonging to a given species of thing are the same†(97). In this metaphor Mencius is trying to say that if you are placed in a different habitat where you learn from the outsiders, you are grown by the influence of them, which in his opinion is evil. I found this to be true but also I want to add that it is not always evil, it can be for the good of somebodies development. Being with the family can be good however sometimes we experience inconsistent parenting or poor parenting where it affects our development. Sometimes people can’t avoid these kinds of experiences but others like being with friends and acting up to their level of immaturity can be avoided. It is up to the experiences you’ve had that will form into what you become. After going through both essays my mind is set into these ideas. People are born with a blank mind but also we can change after what become of us, either it is for the good or for the evil. Peers have much to do with a person’s behavior. As friends you might have the feeling of just fitting in, having to change your manners to feel part of the group. It depends much on our surroundings; this is what triggers our brain to learn from others and development starts operating. Society is an important factor to our development because it is that, what forms our way of living and thinking. People might not like society because they don’t agree with something cultural or religious but whatever the circumstances are they still are triggered by it. At last, my beliefs are now more explained and understood after going through the readings. These articles influenced me to the point that I now believe human nature starts as a blank mind which means we are born without any knowledge and habits. This is when experience comes in. Through our experience with everything around us we become what we are. Our experience since childhood has a great impact in what we are; in other words most of our nature comes from family. Nevertheless, I don’t mean that everyone is shaped from their parents, what I mean is that there are other sources from experience out there that shapes our development (nature). It is your choice to either keep following those experiences, whether the good or the evil, but any how nurture is what will define what you become. Works Cited Austin, Michael, ed. Reading the World: Ideas that Matter. New York: Norton. 2010. Print. Mencius â€Å"Man’s Nature is Good†. Austin 94-98 Tzu, Hsun â€Å"Man’s Nature is Evil†.
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