Thursday, January 30, 2020
Argumentative Essay Essay Example for Free
Argumentative Essay Essay Malcolm X expressed the pent up anger, frustration, and bitterness of African Americans during the major phase of the civil rights movement. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"I believe it took me a day. Then, aloud, I read back, to myself, everything I’d written on the tablet. Over and over, aloud, to myself, I read my own handwriting.†(Paragraph 8) This means that he basically read his own handwriting. In Malcolm X’s, Learning to Read, he enhanced his life with reading and comprehension by having to experience his black community being treated wrong and having to go to jail. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"Many who today hear me somewhere in person, or on television, or those who read something I’ve said, will think I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to my prison studies.†(Paragraph 3) This means that he’s known for his famous speech. Either on television or someone who read something that he said. Malcolm X was imprisoned for a long time, and was studying while there. The qualities that he possessed while in prison were phenomenal and not worthy to the white people. But, he didn’t become intelligent in jail for them; he did it for his fellow black community. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"It had really begun back in the Charlestown Prison, when Bimbi first made me feel envy of his stock of knowledge.†(Paragraph 4) This really means that he really didn’t start to read and comprehend until he met Bimbi. However, Bimbi was the first person he met in prison that didn’t use slang language. It was a surprise to Malcolm, because he didn’t know there would ever be anyone learning to read and comprehend like him in jail. On the other hand, how did learning to read aid him to understand the struggle of African Americans in this country? From my understanding, I believe that it aided him by it freeing him physically in his mind. And, it aided him by leading black people in the civil rights movement. According to Learning to Read, â€Å"In my slow, painstaking, ragged handwriting, I copied into my tablet everything printed on that first page, down to the punctuation marks.†(Paragraph 7) This means that he basically was practicing his handwriting while, at the same time, reading the words and comprehending them. Also, how did it enable him to impress people of colors? In my opinion, I believe it enabled him by expanding his knowledge about blacks with the plight they were experiencing. To conclude, the central idea of the text was that reading and comprehension helped him understand the racism in the black community. Malcolm X was basically strong and opinionated. Also, he is ambitious and anxious to get the freedom for his people and for himself. The reason being was because to awaken black people or in other words, spark them.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Chosen Review :: essays research papers
History plays a large role in shaping the character of Rueven and Danny’s characters because they each have strong spiritual fathers that laid a foundation for them, their respective religions have very different roots, and they find that they have differences from these religions.      Both Rueven and Danny have spiritual giants for fathers. While Rueven’s father is not as well respected or as well known as Reb Saunders, he is every bit as caring and spiritual. Mr. Malter has raised Rueven in the Jewish fashion and has taught him to love God. The love that Mr. Malter shows Rueven is evident when Rueven is at the hospital. When Rueven finally wakes up, his father is so excited that he rushes over without even preparing himself. â€Å"His sparse gray hair lay uncombed on his head. That was unusual for my father. I never remembered him leaving the house without carefully combing his hair.†In addition, Mr. Malter developed a cough and got sick, probably attributed to excessive worrying over Rueven. Reb Saunders also loves his son, but has a hard time showing it. Since, Danny and his father never speak unless they are studying; it is a very strained and painful relationship for Danny. Reb Saunders is known all over the Jewish community for being a strong spiritual advisor to all the Hassid and Danny is expected to take his place. Reb Saunders position as rabbi is something of a family dynasty and it has gone on for many generations. Danny has been groomed to become the next rabbi since he was a child. All of this seems too much for Danny and it seems that he just wants to escape his destiny and live a normal life.      The roots of Rueven and Danny’s churches also play a role in their characters. Rueven is an orthodox Jew, and thus comes from very strict values. Rueven is expected to pray many times a day and to study the Talmud frequently. In addition, he eats kosher food, always observes Shabbat and follows Jewish law reverently. He is very faithful and hopes to be a rabbi someday. On the other hand, Danny comes from an even more demanding sect of Judaism. The Hasids have similar beliefs to the Orthodox Jews but hold to even stricter codes of conduct. One of the things that set the Hasids apart from other sects is their dependence on the tzaddikim or spiritual leaders of their communities.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Narrative on Culture
Culture Crossing Do you ever look at a complete stranger and immediately categorize that person? I will be the first to admit that I have done so more than I would care to acknowledge. I was definitely raised to look down upon people, especially the Jewish, in spite of what my parents will tell you. Although I was never actually told not to like or associate with a Jewish person, the adults in my family made it known that it was unacceptable by saying unpleasant things about them. I heard the jewish would come to nice neighborhoods, take them over, and ruin them.I also heard that they killed Jesus. It was inevitable that I too would see Jewish people as inferior to me. With all the bad things I heard, it only seemed natural. I thought Jewish people were arrogant, greedy, conniving, and uneducated. I thought they should leave our country because their religion and cultural beliefs were un-American. From the time I was a little girl through my early twenties I looked down upon Jewish p eople until I met Joel one day while I was working. It was a typical Friday at the Department of Motor Vehicles.It was fifteen minutes until closing time and the place was packed. I was about to call my next customer when a short man dressed in black and white from head to toe with long chin-brushing curls as sideburns wearing a black hat approached my window. He was a Hasidic Jew and I was not happy. I acknowledged him. â€Å"Yes? †â€Å"Are you going to call this ticket number? †â€Å"Nope. Have a seat,†I said annoyed. â€Å"I'm sorry to have bothered you. †As he was sitting back down I noticed the ticket number he had in his hands. It was a dealer ticket. We stop calling dealers at 4:30 p. m because it's time consuming.I was contemplating if I was going to tell him this or let him find out the hard way. There was a big sign by the ticket machine that clearly states that we don't accept dealer paperwork after 4:30 p. m. Some of my coworkers noticed him and started making fun of his clothes, yiddish accent and, stupidity for not reading the sign. Although I tended to agree with them, I decided to be nice and help this man because I was sick and tired of hearing my coworkers ridiculing him. He was, after all, in hearing distance. I motioned the Hasidic man up to my window with my index finger. Sir, I normally would not help you because we don't accept dealers after 4:30 p. m but, I see you only have one deal so I will help you just this one time. †He smiled from ear to ear and thanked me. I knew from experience that Hasidic men are not allowed to touch an object at the same time as someone from the opposite sex so, I was very surprised when he handed me the papers through the bars rather than sliding them underneath the window barrier. I didn't know what to do. Should I let the papers fall to the desk? I did not want to be impolite so I took the papers from him.After looking at his papers I soon realized that I would be u nable to process the transaction and I delivered the bad news to him. Expecting the worst, I was ready for the hostile reply I usually get from anyone I give unpleasant news to. Instead, he was polite and humble. He thanked me over and over for taking him. I was pleasantly surprised and smiled. I told him the additional papers he needed and even wished him a good evening. He was walking away when he turned and asked, â€Å"What is your name? †â€Å"Ann†I suspiciously replied. â€Å"My name is Joel. Have a great weekend Ann!I will see you first thing on Monday,†he said cheerfully as he walked towards the door. I wondered what was wrong with him. I had never came across a Hasidic man like him. As the metal gates lifted to the D. M. V entrance Monday morning, I noticed Joel was the first in line. He waved. Oh, geez. That was weird. My coworkers took notice of him and started to tease me. â€Å"Look, there's Annie's special friend,†said one. â€Å"Annie' s curly locks is here,†snorted another. I chose to ignore their snide remarks and called him up to my window. â€Å"Good Morning Ann! How was your weekend? †Joel asked.He placed a small tin of cookies on the counter. â€Å"These are for you. They are from my brother's bakery in Brooklyn,†he joyfully said as he slid the tin underneath the window bars. I told him that I couldn't accept them and thanked him. â€Å"You have kids? Yes? Please take them home to your children then,†he insisted. I took the cookies and hid them in my desk draw. â€Å"Thank you Joel, that was very kind of you. My children will love the cookies. †I hoped no one noticed the exchange. I did not want to be teased my coworkers. While editing and processing his paperwork, Joel started telling me jokes.They were funny but I didn't dare laugh because they were about the Jewish. â€Å"Not all Hasidic's are extremists, Ann,†he laughed. I didn't know how to respond. I never met a Hasidic man that was as friendly and talkative as Joel. I wondered if he was from Kiryas Joel, the village within the town of Monroe where it's residents strictly observe the Torah and its commandments. If he is, I'm thinking he shouldn't be talking to me like this. Hasidic men are proscribed from associating with woman who are not their wives or relatives. What if another Hasidic witnessed him talking to me? Joel, do you live in Kiryas Joel? †I shyly asked. â€Å"Yes, I do. Why do you ask? †â€Å"Um, can't you get in trouble for talking to me? †I had a hard time getting the words out. I was embarrassed. â€Å"I have many rules but it doesn't mean that I follow them to a T? †I was intrigued. I knew little about Hasidism. I determined this would be an excellent opportunity to learn. â€Å"Would you mind if I asked you questions about your religion? †I quietly asked. Joel gave me permission to ask him anything. As time went on, I called hi m right up to my window.None of my coworkers wanted to help him anyway and, I looked forward to our conversations. I asked him questions about everything from having sex through a hole in the sheet to having a holiday that they are ordered to get drunk. Joel eagerly shared his experiences in detail leaving nothing out. He explained holidays, the importance of tradition, and beliefs. I learned the life of a Hasidic from birth through marriage. Joel educated me on why they dress all in black, what kind of education they receive, gender roles, acceptable entertainment, and any other aspect that I thought to ask him about.He explained the discipline involved to abstain mainstream American culture. When he spoke about his arranged marriage, I began to understand and respect the idea behind it. It did seem safer in the big picture because partners were picked that were good for a lifetime not short infatuations. I was amazed how open-minded I was becoming. I had gained respect for his rel igion and became quite fond of Joel. I saw him as a whole person rather than the Hasidic Jew I once seen. My religious and cultural upbringing fostered my ignorance.I grew up feeling superior to people outside my culture and religion because I simply didn't know any better. Meeting Joel changed my view on culture and religion. Through sharing his traditions and beliefs, I realized that other cultures interact differently and it's often misconceived as rudeness, anger and, foolishness. Getting to know Joel made me see that our cultural and religious beliefs didn't make us any less or any more of a person. Based on our common humanity, I learned to respect cultural and religious diversity.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Personal Narrative Of My Life - 961 Words
Personal Narrative One day in mid-November, I thought that one of the worst days in my life had come. I walked into my parent’s room, and I found my mother rushing to gather things to go somewhere. Curiously, I asked my mom where she was going, and why she was in such a rush. My mom said, â€Å"Julia was in a bad car accident on the way home from school and is headed to the hospital. I’m going up there to see if there is anything I can do to help.†Immediately many questions came to my mind, but I knew that it would be best to not ask until she was sure of the answers and had more information. Julia was family to me, but not my blood. I have known her since I was born, and she has always been around since. Her Aunt is my mother’s best friend as well as my Godmother. She has known Julia’s family for over 30 years. I wasn’t as close to Julia as I would’ve liked to be, but I still knew her very well. She was only 17 years old and it was h er Senior year in high school. Since my mom is a Pediatric nurse at Baptist, it was no surprise to me that my mom was going there to help. I told her to update me as soon as she found out anything. After my mom left to go to the hospital, I sat on the couch anxiously waiting for any information from her. Eventually my mom texted me saying that she was in critical condition and in a coma. She also said that she had to be on a ventilator and wasn’t responding to anything. With that information, I knew that this was something very serious and thatShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Life885 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative Have you ever had something happen to you that changed your life forever? Something that you will never forget. It’s something that makes you who you are whether it is good or bad to makes you special. I know it’s hard to believe that one event could change your whole life but I promise you it can. A major life changing event happened to me on July 20th, 2011. This is the day that my youngest sister Carly was born. On this day my whole life was changed and it will never be theRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life956 Words  | 4 PagesPersonal Narrative Life has always been the opposite of predictable. Twists and turns are abundant during a person’s time on this earth. It has often been compared to a rollercoaster, and I believe that there is validity in that. At one point, when it seems like the ride can only continue in the upwards direction, it goes spiraling down faster than one can register. In that moment, it seems as though every good thing in one’s life comes crashing down in a domino-like fashion. Each great piece ofRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life1098 Words  | 5 Pages Personal Narrative There stood the school that I would go to for the next three years of my life. From what I could see on the map, the school was prodigious.There were two-story buildings around me, and I stood by one. I felt like a mouse compared to the vast school. Cool air brushed against my face as I analyzed the school.I was standing near eight planters, with my schedule and a school map in my hand.Up ahead of me, I could see cars passing by, dropping kids off to school.A lot of studentsRead MorePersonal Narrative In My Life1322 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Narrative    Where do we go when we have nothing on our minds? Where do we go when we go quiet? I can not be the one to tell you. My mind is always focused on the next and can never stay put. My mind is like Hong Kong (most densely populated place on Earth) during a rush hour. It’s a room full of commotion and noise that can’t find the escape door. It’s fun at times, but unbearable when all you want to do is shut yourself out from the world and relax. I can’t pay attention in my classesRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1261 Words  | 6 PagesThis will be a long personal narrative about my current stressful life. Before, I came down to the University of Georgia to work with the football team my life back in East Lansing, Michigan was quite peaceful. However, I will admit I was still overly stressed with the endless amount of coursework I had, but I still had time to relax or had time to be bored and question what I should do with my time. Now tak ing all of my credits online and working 12-15 hour days, then traveling to the games on SaturdayRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1530 Words  | 7 PagesMy Personal Narrative    One event from my life that I always remember is when I was first starting school. I was wearing a Bright Blue Basketball Shirt and a pair of Bright Blue Basketball Shorts. I woke up very early that day. When my sisters finally woke up they got ready and we went outside to wait for the bus. When the bus came my mom wanted to get pictures of us. So when we arrived at school I went to class. I was extremely nervous but when my teacher told us her name I laughed. She told usRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1286 Words  | 6 PagesMy personal Narrative The date was October 8, 2014, 2 days after my birthday. One of the realest quotes I heard was â€Å"Don’t trust a soul†and i should have listened. It started out as any other day, mom was mad me for one reason or another, dad was sitting on the couch like always playing the â€Å"Call of Duty†. I was a Saturday so of course I tried to sleep in but my dad love playing his game with the sound on high it really out under my skin. Think about it you re sleeping in your bed and all of aRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words  | 9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’sRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words  | 9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’sRead MorePersonal Narrative My Life Essay578 Words  | 3 PagesPersonal Narrative My Life I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me. I have chosen to go to the local community
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